The Body. Projection Art & Choreography: Maria Servellón. 2023. USA.
The body knows love. The body knows pain. The body can know what hurt is. But I don't think the body can know what hate is. And so, I ask all to remember that the body can heal.

Hibiskiss Series (#1-5) by Maria Servellon. Projection Art, Surround Sound, Smell (Hibiscus), and Sculpture (Acrylic, cloth, astroturf). Color, Sound, Smell; infinite loop, 2022. USA.
The Hibiskiss series is a vivid, rich depiction of love and tropical elegance in glitch bliss. A search for harmony forever in between the forbidden and the embraced, Hibiskiss digitally “queers” intimacy into an abstract but opulent flux.

Guest Artist: Maria Servellon. Artwork: Visual Projections. Guest Musicians: Noble Dust. Original Song: Abbey. Released June 1, 2022.

Now Or How I Wish It Was by Maria Servellon and A_Marcel (Digital Soup). Digital Art/Video Projection. Color; infinite loop. 2022. USA.
Representing life’s contradictions and change as the only constant, this piece, “Now or How I Wish It Was” both amplify everyday beauty while at the same time serving as a biting critique of the world’s problems. In the spirit of speculative worldbuilding, the videos represent escapism from what is here and towards personalizing the here so the world fits. This visual dialogue between Digital Soup members, Maria Servellon and A_Marcel, serves as a thinking board of life, surveillance, solitude, erasure of borders, humor, utopia, absurdity, resilience, and most importantly, collective human experiences. Commissioned by Boston Cyberarts

Projection Art by Maria Servellon. 2022. Fashion: Vo Stewartbaxter
Digital Soup is a collective of Boston-based artists that hold space for each other and underrepresented artists — in support of LGBTQ2+ AAPI and BIPOC folx — creating inclusive spaces that enable the sharing of public performative works, multimedia art, video, sound, music, and art projects. Members value inclusiveness, equity, and fairness in support of happenings that encourage togetherness and feed community.

Black Super Hero Magic Mama. By Inda Craig-Galván for Company One Theater. Projection Designs by Maria Servellon. In collaboration with American Repertory Theater, Boston Public Library, Boston Comics in Color Festival. Video by Johnathan Carr. May 2022. Nominated for "Outstanding Production, Small Theater" for The Eliott Norton Awards.

All videos at:
